Monday, March 3, 2008


Ok... lets be honnet. I'm sure that the guy they have playing Edward will be great, but in my mind this is Edward... there's just no way around it!
Sara, I'm very excited to hear your oppinion!


audrey nicole said...

who's this Edward guy you speak of? do tell...

Lindy Lee said...


eekareek said...

Okay, so don't be mad Lindy but I have changed my mind. I love Jacob now. After reading all three books four times, I feel I have a little more perspective. Sure, sure when Edward is on the page I get excited and can't wait to read what he has to say but when Jacob is around it is just fun and a good time. It is less complicated with Jacob (except for the whole imprinting thing). I think either way I will be happy but right now I can't decide.

Lindy Lee said...

Its true that jacob is all fun and games, but life is more than that! That stuff is important but which would you rather have... perfection for eternity or fun and games until he looses his temper and malls you...?

eekareek said...

JACOB WOULD NEVER!!! No seriously, it is a little annoying how over protective Edward can get and Jacob is able to watch out for her. She was in his care for several months and it was fun and she was safe and no new harm came upon her. When she is with Edward, she is stiff and boring and all they do is homework or hang out with family. Jacob does fun things and he is cute and human and nice but she doesn't bug me as bad when she is with him (in the second book at least). But if we really thought about it, she doesn't deserve either one because she is such a brat and annoying. I can't really decide who I love more but I am thinking Jacob right now.

eekareek said...

Oh and by the way, if life isn't fun and games, it wouldn't be fun.

eekareek said...

Look, now you have seven commments!!

eekareek said...

EIGHT!! Wow, Edward is really popular!!

eekareek said...

You are too, of course. You need to update more regularly.

Janie said...

I'm sure glad Sara wrote on my blog ...then I in turn checked hers ..that's when I noticed you wrote on Sara's and told her that you updated your blog. That sure is a long way about finding out that you've updated.
Sara surely needs to loan me those books so I know what you guys are talking about!

Janie said...

Hint, Hint! Write on my blog, Please

audrey nicole said...

What's Twilight? I'm confused!?

Lindy Lee said...

It's a book. By stephenie meyer! I demand that you go get it and read in so that you'll be as obsessed as I am!
Wow... have you really never heard of it?! Weird!

Unknown said...

I Love this series!!! Vanessa told me about it, and now I am hooked.

audrey nicole said...

I'm not big into the whole reading thing. Are those the books with like a black cover and some random object in a really pretty color.. with a diff. object & color on each book? Or do you just think I'm crazy now? Scratch that. You already know I'm crazy. :]

I'll read them over the summer, I promise! I don't have time to read this time of year.

Lindy Lee said...

those are the ones! They're incredible!

audrey nicole said...

So what's the movie all about? Is it out? Is it called Twilight?
I would rather just watch the movie than read a bunch of books with 500 pages each. Gross! Apparently, this Edward guy is pretty popular with the ladies. haha I asked a bunch of people about the books that I know read them, and they love Edward too. Someone else told me to tell you Eric is better? I don't know who he is so hopefully you do.
By the way, you should comment me on MY blog sometime. I always have to go to yours!